BOSU plank push-ups
Starting position:
Prepare the BOSU, with the flat side down. Take a position on your elbows on the BOSU, at shoulder width. Have your elbows perpendicular below shoulder level. Keep your body core firm, pelvis in a neutral position and shoulder blades fixed in a single position. Outstretch your legs, leaning on your toes that are apart a little less than shoulder width.
From the starting position on your elbows, slowly push against the palms on the BOSU and slowly push your body upward to take a position similar to a “push-up” in the upper position. From this position return the same way to the position on the elbows, using the same technique. Keep your body core firm and do not bend at waist throughout the entire movement. Inhale in the starting position, firm up your body core with air throughout the entire arm movement, and exhale in the push-up position.
Keep your body core firm all the time and do not bend at waist and keep your pelvis in a neutral position.
Pay attention to fixing your shoulder blades to your chest spine. That way you eliminate excessive engagement of the upper trapezius muscle.
Keep your head (neck spine) upright and do not bend it back.
When pushing away from the BOSU, put the palms always at level of your forehead.
To reduce the resistance when you start do this exercise you can support yourself on your knees.