Need to get in shape really fast? Tips for this summer
Summer is almost here and if you want to impress with perfect sixpack at the beach you should rather start preparing right now.
And while we can’t really save you the sweating at the gym there are a few tricks that can greatly improve your results.
- Right training plan.
No, there is no one-size-fits-all solution in bodybuilding/fitness. You will need to follow a different training plan if you are underweight, overweight, beginner, advanced etc. Follow this link to find a training plan for yourself!
In any case if you didn’t train at all by now or you stop training several months ago you should employ basic exercises that involve several muscle groups, especially pull ups (or pulldowns with pulley if you are not strong enough), squats and bench press (ideally with dumbbells) plus some exercises for abdominals.
- Proteins.
Your muscles are made of proteins and it’s really hard to build them if your diet is based on saccharides (although your body can turn saccharides to proteins too). Proper daily protein intake is around 2 g per 1 kg of your body weight.
Read more on proteins here.
- Diet in general
You don’t necessarily need a protein powder – on the contrary. Your food should be your main source of building blocks for muscle growth. Eat eggs, poultry, fish and beans with enough vegetables and only a bit saccharides (ideally oats).
Get some great fitness recipes here.
Read more on diet here.
- Creatine
This is one of the very few dietary supplements that can be trusted to really improve the muscle growth. Get a cheap one – creatine is a commodity that is just repackaged by various brands.
Read more on creatine here.
- Testosterone
As you may know, the male hormone testosterone is crucial for muscle growth. While some dietary supplements promise to increase your testosterone levels, such claims are usually to be taken with a grain of salt.
What, however, is scientifically proven to increase your testosterone levels is your behavior. This is a two-way street: testosterone leads to dominant, aggressive behavior and such behavior increases the levels of this hormone.
Also certain situations increase the male hormone levels (in men) and they are easily explained by the nature: when a man gets married testosterone levels sink, when he gets divorced they grow significantly. So while we do not advice you to get divorced to achieve muscle growth you can still take a more self-confident posture as it will reinforce itself by the hormonal loop and it will help you to improve your body shape as well.
- Hormone-like substances
While testosterone derivates (known better as anabolic steroids) are illegal, there are other similar substances stimulating the androgenic receptors, which can be bought legally. They are usually called xenoandrogens.
Proper dosage and correct length of therapy are crucial or you can damage your health!