Twist squat jump
Starting position:
Take a standing position with feet a little wider than shoulder width.
Fix your posture and bring the pelvis in a neutral position. Let your hands hang down relaxed alongside your body.
Lower your body from the starting position by flexing knee and hip joints without changing the spine curvature. Guide the knees in the direction of your toes during the movement. Keep your body core firm and do not bend forward too much. In the lower position your pelvis goes below knee level. Keep your arms at your body but bent at the elbows. From the squat, jump up and simultaneously rotate your body in a 180 degree turn. After the rotation land on your feet in the squat position again. Then jump again and repeat the rotation to make the same number of repetitions in both directions. Guide your hands always naturally in the movement direction. Inhale in the lower position and exhale in the jump.
Pay attention to body posture, keep your body core firm, pelvis in a neutral position and avoid excessive bending at waist.
Keep your knees in the direction of your toes throughout the entire movement to avoid swinging them toward each other when you are overcoming the resistance. Knees, trunk and head should not go beyond the fictitious toe line when in the squat position.
Pay attention to correct positioning of legs/feet and always land in the basic squat position.
Exercise sideways to a mirror to check and correct the technique.
To master the correct technique it is good to first learn the correct posture in a static squat position.