Reverse Cable Curl
Starting position:
Choose the appropriate weight taking account of your fitness level and training type. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab the bar attached to the pulley using an overhand grip at shoulder-width. Take an upright stance with arms slightly bent at the elbows.
From the starting position lift the pulley up to your shoulders while bending your elbows and contracting biceps muscles.Fix your elbows in one point next to your torso. Return to the starting position in the same way. Exhale while doing the upward motion and inhale returning to the starting position (downwards).
Make sure you have the correct stance and grip on the bar attached to the pulley. Avoid excessive uncontrolled sideways motion of elbows and keep your wrists firm. Make sure your posture is correct and avoid bending backwards (lumbodorsal swayback).
Start with lighter weight to master the technique well.
This exercise strengthens forearms and biceps. It should be ideally done with an EZ-bar (EZ attachment to the pulley) because the position of the wrist on straight bar can cause problems.
When using straight bar use shoulder-width grip.
Do not move your elbows up and down; only forearms should move.