Ultimate Body Transformation with Ivana and Boro Part 3 – How much protein?
Personally, I strongly believe in a high-protein diet. It has always worked for me. When I’m building muscle mass my protein intake is 3 grams per 1 kg of my body weight. This is a lot so if you are doing fitness just for having a beautiful slim figure, you will need much less – let& …
Ultimate Body Transformation with Ivana and Boro Part 2 – Gaining muscle mass
There are several conditions that must be met in order to gain serious muscle mass: 1. stimulation of protein synthesis; 2. enough proteins available for protein synthesis in the muscle; and 3. receiving more calories than you burn.Even if all these conditions are met, a lot depends on one’ …
Ultimate Body Transformation with Ivana and Boro - Part 1
Hi, I’m Ivana. I am a professional IFBB body fitness competitor and personal coach. I can help you to achieve your training aims too. It’s not important whether you are man or woman. I will help you to gain muscle mass or lose fat, simply, to achieve the body of your dreams. As you …