Beef patties with alfalfa and mung shoots
Taste ({{ tasteCount }} votes)
{{ taste | roundTo:1 }}
Complexity ({{ complexityCount }} votes)
{{ complexity | roundTo:1 }}
Nutrition facts: |
{{ nutritionFacts.calories * servingSize | roundTo:0 }} kcal
{{ nutritionFacts.protein * servingSize | roundTo:2 }} g
{{ nutritionFacts.carbs * servingSize | roundTo:2 }} g
{{ nutritionFacts.fat * servingSize | roundTo:2 }} g
- {{ ingredientQuantities[0] * servingSize * 100 | roundTo:2 }} g minced beef
- {{ ingredientQuantities[1] * servingSize * 1 | roundTo:2 }} piece clove of garlic
- marjoram
- salt
- blackpepper, ground
- {{ ingredientQuantities[5] * servingSize * 1 | roundTo:2 }} tablespoon olive oil
- {{ ingredientQuantities[6] * servingSize * 100 | roundTo:2 }} g bean mungo sprouts, canned
- {{ ingredientQuantities[7] * servingSize * 100 | roundTo:2 }} g alfalfa shoots
Put the meat in a bowl, add salt, pressed garlic, marjoram, black pepper and mix well. Let the mixture rest in the fridge for 15 minutes. Then mix it well one more time and make patties. First, sear the patties in a hot skillet with oil and then put them in the oven pre-heated to 180˚C for 10-15 minutes. Serve the patties with the mixed shoots. Do not cook or season the shoots.