Beef on a whole grain baguette with honey mustard sauce
Taste ({{ tasteCount }} vote)
{{ taste | roundTo:1 }}
Complexity ({{ complexityCount }} vote)
{{ complexity | roundTo:1 }}
Nutrition facts: |
{{ nutritionFacts.calories * servingSize | roundTo:0 }} kcal
{{ nutritionFacts.protein * servingSize | roundTo:2 }} g
{{ nutritionFacts.carbs * servingSize | roundTo:2 }} g
{{ nutritionFacts.fat * servingSize | roundTo:2 }} g
- {{ ingredientQuantities[0] * servingSize * 100 | roundTo:2 }} g sirloin of beef (filet)
- {{ ingredientQuantities[1] * servingSize * 1 | roundTo:2 }} g celery green
- {{ ingredientQuantities[2] * servingSize * 1 | roundTo:2 }} g green parsley
- Black and white peppercorns
- see salt
- {{ ingredientQuantities[5] * servingSize * 100 | roundTo:2 }} g baguette, wholegrain
- {{ ingredientQuantities[6] * servingSize * 100 | roundTo:2 }} g iceberg lettuce
- {{ ingredientQuantities[7] * servingSize * 100 | roundTo:2 }} g tomatoes
- {{ ingredientQuantities[8] * servingSize * 100 | roundTo:2 }} g whole grain mustard
- {{ ingredientQuantities[9] * servingSize * 100 | roundTo:2 }} g bee honey
- salt
- blackpepper, freshly ground
Put the celery and parsley green, white and black pepper corns (2 of each) in a pot, add 1 l of water and bring to a boil. Add the washed beef and salt and boil for about 40 minutes till the meat is tender. Prepare the sauce in the meantime. Mix honey and mustard together, adding salt and pepper. Cut the baguette, spread the sauce, and pile on chopped iceberg lettuce, the boiled beef cut into thin round slices and round slices of tomato. Pour on more sauce and cover with the baguette top.
Cook’s tip: The meat can be cooked a day before, saving about 35 minutes of preparation time. If you do that, you must keep the boiled meat in its chilled broth in the refrigerator.