Avocado spread, whole-grain bread
{{ taste | roundTo:1 }}
{{ complexity | roundTo:1 }}
Nutrition facts: |
{{ nutritionFacts.calories * servingSize | roundTo:0 }} kcal
{{ nutritionFacts.protein * servingSize | roundTo:2 }} g
{{ nutritionFacts.carbs * servingSize | roundTo:2 }} g
{{ nutritionFacts.fat * servingSize | roundTo:2 }} g
- {{ ingredientQuantities[0] * servingSize * 1 | roundTo:2 }} piece avocado
- {{ ingredientQuantities[1] * servingSize * 100 | roundTo:2 }} g dark whole-grain bread
- freshly ground blackpepper
- salt
- {{ ingredientQuantities[4] * servingSize * 1 | roundTo:2 }} piece clove of garlic
Scoop out the ripe avocado, add salt, pepper, and crushed garlic and mix well. Spread on bread and enjoy.