Farmers Walk
Starting position:
Choose the appropriate dumbbell weights matching your fitness level and technical skills. Grab the dumbbells and let your hands hang loose alongside of your body with a slight flexing at your elbows. Your feet are a little wider than shoulder-width apart and fix your body core and keep your pelvis in a neutral position.
From the starting position, start walking for as long as required for your type of training.Make sure your pelvis is in a neutral position and your entire body core is firmed up. Breathe regularly throughout the duration of the exercise.
Give much emphasis to your body posture, fixed body core and neutral position of the pelvis throughout the entire exercise routine. Keep your knees in the same direction as your toes while walking and avoid letting them swing to the sides when using a heavier weight. Eliminate using the upper trapezius muscles.
To prevent knee injuries, make small steps, especially when turning.