Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown
Starting position:
Select the appropriate weight matching your type of training and your fitness level. Sit down on pull-down machine and grab the bar with an overhand grip (close to medium grip). Bend your back slightly backwards (as if leaning against something) without straining your lower back. Hold your hands in line with the pulley track.
Bend your elbows and pull the bar down until it touches your chest (your hands should be touching your chest while you contract your back muscles). Breathe out as you bring the bar down; breathe in as you go back to the starting position.
Make sure to maintain a correct stance without straining your lower back as you bend backwards. Keep your elbows pointing outwards; do not bend your wrists. Secure your feet on the floor.
Start with a lighter weight to master the technique well.
Lat pulldowns is an exercise targeting the lats as a primary muscle and several other muscles (especially biceps) as secondary muscles.
Overhand shoulder-width grip is used; if possible, you can also use a special pulley attachment that will enable the palms facing each other (this is less strenuous on wrist, elbow and shoulder joints).
The torso should lean backwards in an angle of about 30 degrees. At the end of the contraction you should squeeze the shoulder blades together (scapular retraction).