Cable Crossover
Starting position:
Set resistance matching your fitness level and type of training. Grab hold of the pulleys and step forward with both hands in front of an imaginary straight line between both pulleys with one leg (your front leg) slightly bent; your torso should have a small forward bend from the waist, so that your shoulders are in line with the knee of the front leg and at the same time make an extension of the rear leg which is straightened. With a slight bend on your elbows, extend your arms to the side so that your palms are at one level with your shoulders and turned front.
Many coaches prefer a stance without a forward step while slightly bending over. This posture puts more emphasis on your postural muscles.
Extend your arms to the side in a wide arc until you feel a stretch on your chest and pull your hands until almost touching. Your torso and legs are in the same position. Wrists remain in the same position all along, no rotation is desired. Breathe in as you start and breathe out as you bring your hands forward. Repeat as required.
Make sure you maintain a correct stance with an upright torso, no back bending (neutral pelvis position without lordosis), your toes are straight.
Be aware of undesirable elbow straightening as you come back to the starting position.
Avoid excessive back bending in the upper back which may occur if you use large resistance (especially when you release the weight).
As you start, choose an appropriate resistance to master the technique well.
If possible, perform the exercise in front of the mirror and watch yourself to make sure your shoulders, elbows and knees – basically your whole body - are in the correct position.
Hold the two pulley attachments, bend your arms slightly and lower your torso in an angle of about 30 degrees. Stay slightly in front of the pulleys. Many trainees step and lean forward – this is not correct posture for cable crossovers. You can step forward to stabilize your posture but never lean on the cables.
The position of your torso will counterbalance the upward pull of the cables.
Your arms can meet lower or higher – this depends on the part of chest muscles you wish to train. The most natural position is when your arms are parallel with the axis of the two cables.