11 - 20 of 23 results
MUSQLE MASS BUILDER WORKOUT (male, mesomorph, beginner)
The recommended bodybuilding mesomorph training plan for beginer male trainee - bulking phase
MUSQLE MASS BUILDER WORKOUT (male, mesomorph, advanced)
The recommended bodybuilding mesomorph training plan for advanced male trainee - bulking phase
MUSQLE MASS BUILDER WORKOUT (female, endomorph, advanced)
The recommended bodybuilding endomorph training plan for advanced female trainee - bulking up phase
MUSQLE MASS BUILDER WORKOUT (female, mesomorph, advanced)
The recommended bodybuilding mesomorph training plan for advanced femail trainee - bulking up phase
MUSQLE MASS BUILDER WORKOUT (male, ectomorph, beginner)
The recommended bodybuilding ectomorph training plan for beginner male trainee - bulking up phase
MUSQLE MASS BUILDER WORKOUT (female, ectomorph, beginner)
The recommended bodybuilding ectomorph training plan for beginner female trainee - bulking up phase
MUSQLE MASS BUILDER WORKOUT (female, mesomorph, beginner)
The recommended bodybuilding mesomorph training plan for beginner female trainee - bulking up phase
MUSQLE MASS BUILDER WORKOUT (male, mesomorph, intermediate)
The recommended bodybuilding mesomorph training plan for intermediate male trainee - bulking up phase
Get Ripped in 3 Years
It really makes one laugh. Or rather cry. Get angry…and finally give up and resign because it’s absolutely clear that it will happen again and again. We have all seen it: open any average “Men’s” magazine (or website for that matter) and you get bombarded by …
Periodization in bodybuilding – Part 1
Periodization is a basic concept in all sports. Professional athletes need to divide their training into several phases: this is usually general physical preparation, sports-specific preparation which is peaking before a major competition and of course a period of resting. The longest period of …